By-Laws & Halifax Town Code

The by-laws and regulations found on the Town's web site are provided as a service to Town residents and other interested parties. The Town makes no promises or guarantees about the accuracy, currency, completeness or adequacy of the contents of these bylaws and regulations, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in their contents. In any situation where the official printed publications of the Town differ from the text contained in this website, the official printed publications shall take precedence. To obtain an official copy of the Town's by-laws and regulations and the Code of the Town of Halifax, please contact the Town Clerk's office.

Chapter 1General Provisions

Chapter 3Council on Aging

Chapter 7Boards and Commissions (Board of Health, Planning Board, Board of Appeals, Park Commission)

Chapter 13Committees (Finance Committee, Municipal and School Building Committee, Holidays in Halifax Committee, Communications Center Committee, Beautification Committee, Agricultural Commission)

Chapter 20Elections

Chapter 23Finances

Chapter 32Officers and Employees

Chapter 34Permits (Trenches)

Chapter 35Wage and Personnel

Chapter 37Purchasing

Chapter 42Selectmen

Chapter 45Town Clerk

Chapter 47Town Meeting

Chapter 49Town Treasurer (Treasurer-Collector)

Chapter 50Tree Warden

Chapter 52Town Vehicles

Chapter 54Alarm Systems

Chapter 55Alcoholic Beverages and Marijuana

Chapter 62Boats and Waterways

Chapter 66Numbering of Buildings

Chapter 72Cemeteries

Chapter 82Dogs and Other Animals

Chapter 88Fees (Ambulance, Recycling, Household Hazardous Waste)

Chapter 91Fire Protection

Chapter 104Historic District

Chapter 106Historic Structures (Demolition)

Chapter 112Junk Dealers and Collectors

Chapter 132Handicapped Parking

Chapter 137Right-To-Farm

Chapter 141Casual Sales (Yard Sales, Tag Sales)

Chapter 144Soil Removal

Chapter 146: Stormwater Management

Chapter 147Streets and Sidewalks (Street Acceptance, Excavations, Miscellaneous Provisions)

Chapter 148Stretch Energy Code

Chapter 149Swimming Pools

Chapter 156Trailers

Chapter 161Unregistered Vehicles

Chapter 163Water Use

Chapter 164Wetlands Protection

Chapter 164: Wetlands Protection - Associated Regulations and Relevant Documents

Chapter 167 - By-LawZoning

Chapter 167 - Zoning MapZoning Map

Chapter 173Reserved

Chapter 183Licenses of Delinquent Taxpayers

Chapter 193Traffic Rules and Orders

Chapter 203Board of Health - Building Construction

Chapter 204Board of Health - Fees

Chapter 206Board of Health - Hot Tubs

Chapter 208Board of Health - Land Development

Chapter 216Waste Disposal

Chapter 218Board of Health - Water

Chapter 231Plumbing Fees

Chapter 232Recycling

Chapter 233: Reduction of Single Use Plastic Bags

Chapter 235Subdivision of Land

Chapter 236Registration and Maintenance of Foreclosed Properties

Narrative and Table of Contents

Acceptance of General LawsHistory of Town Meeting Actions accepting particular statutes in the Massachusetts General Laws