Town of Halifax - Monponsett Pond Treatments - Update

In connection with water quality issues at Monponsett Pond, the following treatments have been tentatively scheduled: Tuesday, June 2 - West Monponsett - aluminum sulfate to reduce the amount of free phosphorous (nutrient for algae) and Thursday, May 28 - East Monponsett - Sonar herbicde treatment to reduce invasive weed growth. Any changes to this schedule will be posted.

Aquatic Control Technology has to reschedule the West Monponsett buffered alum treatment. Its biologist reminded the firm this afternoon that per the accepted monitoring plan ACT has to monitor the mussels 24 and 72 hours after the treatment.  With treatment on a Wednesday that puts the 72 hour data collection on a Saturday when lake usage is likely to be high (not the best for SCUBA diver data collection), so ACT has to reschedule the treatment to Tuesday, June 2nd.  Sorry for the confusion and the quick change of date.The East Monponsett treatment date will stay the same...(Thursday 5/28).